Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Now maybe we have what could be the real reason why it is taking so long to end the HST

It looks like perhaps now we have what could be the reason --- the real reason why it is taking Christy Clark so long to end the HST --- and go back to the previous tax. 
Christy Clark is trying to get a break on paying back the $1.6 billion dollars the BC Liberals took, from the federal government, to implement the HST. 
Here in part is what a Globe and Mail news story had to say today:
.... central to her argument is the notion that by the time it’s repealed, the HST will have been in place in B.C. for two-thirds of the period that was required in the federal-provincial deal which doled out the $1.6-billion....
Read the full story ... BC Premier presses Ottawa for break on HST repayment
... Christy Clark asks Harper government for a discount and a delay on repaying federal funding for soon-to-be-scrapped HST

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